Meet our MINISTRY leadership team

The Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church Ministry team is represented by the best Servant Leaders in the Kingdom of God.  

reverend DR. cheryl auguste

Itinerant Elder
Rev. Dr. Cheryl Auguste is a native of New York, having been born, raised, and educated in Brooklyn. In March 2010 relocated to Monroe Township, New Jersey. Rev. Auguste accepted her call to preach at Bridge Street AWME Church in 1995 and was ordained an Itinerant Deacon at the First District Annual Conference in May 2000; and an Itinerant Elder in April 2012.

evangelist gloria acker

A native New Jerseyan, Evangelist Gloria Acker faithfully served at Trinity AME Church, Long Branch, New Jersey (1955-2018) prior to transferring her membership to Bethel AME Church – Freehold, New Jersey in January 2019. She is a licensed and certified Evangelist. She attended New Jersey Ministerial Training Institute two-year evangelist program under the leadership of the late Rev. Dr. Albert Turk.        


Minster of Music
Meet our Minister of Music.  As we develop this website please check back often to keep update with all that will take place at Bethel through our music ministry.  God Bless You!

corliss smith 

Church Administrator
Sister Corliss Smith is an awesome servant of the Lord and a true blessing our the Bethel A.M.E.. Church ministry.  Please contact her at our Church Office for any pastoral or clergy needs and she will coordinate schedules and meetings accordingly.